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Face masks: What you need to know

Face covering exemptions What are the requirements in England? More details at gov.uk/coronavirus I feel anxious about wearing face masks, what should I do? Or see tips from Jen Dodds on Limping Chicken I am … Continued

BSL Health Access available at COVID-19 testing centres

Now you can communicate in British Sign Language while getting a test for Covid-19. Please download the InterpreterNow app before you visit the testing site. When you arrive at the testing site You will see … Continued

BSL access to NHS volunteer responders

NHS Volunteers can support you with picking up shopping, medication or other essential supplies while you shield at home. Contact them through an interpreter using BSL Health Access

BSL Health Access for the UK’s Deaf community

We need to be able to communicate with doctors and nurses now. SignHealth have teamed up with InterpreterNow to provide a solution, to fill the gaps in BSL interpreter provisions.