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Partner with us

Do you share our values? Are you interested in improving the health and wellbeing of deaf people? Partner with us to make a difference.

Our corporate partners make a vital difference to our work supporting deaf people across the UK.

Partnering with SignHealth is a rewarding experience, creating a lasting positive impact on your company. Benefits include increased staff motivation, positive PR for your business and brand, and fulfilment of Corporate Social Responsibility goals.

A partnership is a great opportunity to give back to the community.

“We’re proud of our connection with SignHealth through the work of Starbucks Canary Wharf store manager Toro Manca and the Jubilee Place team. Toro took customer service to another level when he decided to learn sign language to connect with his deaf customers. Toro and the district team are championing community service at Starbucks and we look forward to seeing more from their work with the deaf community.”

Mark Fox, Managing Director, Starbucks

SignHealth is a trusted charity – our Domestic Abuse Service won Disability Charity of the Year 2014 and our Psychological Therapy Service won Disability Charity of the Year 2016 at The Charity Awards. In 2016 we were shortlisted for 3 awards in the Royal Association for deaf People’s 175th Birthday Honours Awards. In 2019 we won the award for Board Diversity and Inclusivity at the Clothworkers’ Company Charity Governance Awards

Charity of the Year

Choosing SignHealth as your Charity of the Year will allow your company to really focus your fundraising activities.

Typically, a Charity of the Year partnership raises money through activities that allow staff to get involved in ways that suit them. Activities include fundraising events, volunteering opportunities, sporting events and challenges, collection bucket day, payroll lotteries and cause related marketing.

“We have been helping to proudly support SignHealth since 2008. Not only has it been enjoyable for the whole team to raise money and awareness for this charity with our bake sales, sweet shop and other fundraisers, but also seeing SignHealth develop and grow through the years is truly amazing. We are really excited for the upcoming years with SignHealth and continue our support.”

White Stuff, Beaconsfield branch

To make SignHealth your charity of the year or partner with SignHealth in other ways, email fundraising@signhealth.org.uk.

Payroll Giving

Encourage your staff to take part in payroll giving. It’s a simple, tax-effective way for an employee to give to SignHealth directly from their salary.